Karakol skitour, 10 days

Price: 1400 €
Period: 2017.01.30 — 2017.02.08
Activity: Ski Tour

dayday's programmenightmeals
1 Flight to Bishkek. plane D
2  Arrival in International “Manas” Aiport (Bishkek). Transfer to Karakol city. From there to Jergalan village to guest-house. Jergalan BLbD
3  Ski-tour Jergalan. Guest-house. Jergalan BLbD
4  Ski-tour Jergalan. Guest-house. Jergalan BLbD
5  Ski-tour Jergalan. Transfer to Karakol city. Guest-house. Karakol BLbD
6  Ski-tour or ski-pist Karakol ski-station. Guest-house. Karakol BLD
7  Transfer from Karakol to Yrdyk yurt camp. Nuit in yurt. yurt BLbD
8  Ski-tour Yrdyk valley. Nuit in yurt. yurt BLbD
9  Ski-tour Yrdyk valley. Nuit in yurt. yurt BLbD
10  Transfer to Bishkek to the hotel. Night in the hotel. hotel BLD
11 Transfer to airport. Departure flight depart B

Quotation includes:

  • All necessary transfers required for carrying out the trip;
  • Necessary formality;
  • NewRoute mountain guide;
  • Full board throughout the trip, excluding farewell dinner;
  • Common rooms in Suusamyr  huts and Karakol yourt;
  • DBL rooms in Bishkek hotel;

Not included:

  • Flights to / from Bishkek airport
  • Unexpected preliminary evacuation cost
  • Insurance
  • Personal expenses, alcohol
  • Visa cost


See also:

Lenin peak climb, 21days
Yurt Camp
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